
Thursday, December 17, 2015

ARTS DOT 2 GRAND OPENING - December 26, 2015 - Taichung, Taiwan

On December 26 the Grand Opening of the Arts Dot Design Showroom at the old beer factory in Taichung, Taiwan, which has been transformed in a meeting point for the industry and the creative world. 17 artists and plenty of good ideas: 大腸王、李俊陽、汪承恩、林書楷、洪易、柯燕茹、柳依蘭、厚工育匠、張和民、眼蟲計劃、陳泰樺、黃柏維、黑雞先生、連建興、劉哲榮、鄭敦厚 and Paolo Rui.(路跑樂).

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