
Sunday, March 18, 2012


The aviocaptain takes all responsibility of the aircraft upon himself, evaluates its route, gives advice to his crew, reassures the passenger, reorganises his baggage and mood, he blesses births and unions while airborne, redeems controversies and feuds, checks the purity of the fuels and the quality of the menu, he makes sure that the climate on board is appropriate and that the wing holds up by applying the proper protocol.
He’s one of us, among us, but above us all and deserves our respect.

L’aviocapitano si assume la responsabilità dell’aeronave, ne valuta la rotta, consiglia l’equipaggio, rassicura il passeggere, gli riordina il bagaglio e il morale, benedice le nascite e le unioni in volo, redime controversie e faide, controlla la purezza dei carburanti e la qualità dei menù, si assicura che il clima sia appropriato e che l’ala regga applicando l’opportuno protocollo.
Egli è uno di noi altri, tra di noi, ma al di sopra di noi e si merita il nostro rispetto.

100x60cm (40X24")
acrylic on canvas
A painting included in the series "SVA SPONTE" ("ON HIS OWN WILL"), now on display at Spazio Arte Tolomeo - Via Ampère, 27 - Milan


Nevena Nikolcheva NEN said...

this in is great ! :) I saw and took your card at the bologna chirldren book fair :)

Paolo Rui said...

Thank you very much Mrs.Nikolacheva, your comment has made me happy. You have reminded me that I have to post a new one today...Wait and see. Have a good day.
Paolo Rui