„Una leggiadra acconciatura a multicovone, che unisce idealmente oriente a occidente con un’ambizione di capegli che celan sì l’occhi, ma donano evidenza a ciò che di più femmineo non v’è, la bocca che chiusa giammai si manifesti.“
Marq Pax
„A lovely multi-sheafed hairstyle, which ideally links East to West with an ambition of hair that does hide the eyes, but gives evidence to what is most feminine, her mouth that Never closed it must be.“
Marq Pax
30x80cm (12X32")
acrylic and oil on canvas
A painting included in the series "Occasional Dimorphisms" now on display at Anadema - C.so Lodi, 1 - Milan
A painting included in the series "Occasional Dimorphisms" now on display at Anadema - C.so Lodi, 1 - Milan
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